Toronto Nomads Juniors and Minis are BACK!
It’s GREAT to be a NOMAD!
Return to Rugby is finally here! Mark your calendars for Mondays and Wednesdays starting June 21st for U14-U18 and Wednesdays ONLY starting June 23rd for Minis to U12 (we will determine if two days will run for minis-U12 after the first 3 weeks!
Location: Eglinton Flats (all juniors)
Time: 6 p.m.
Toronto Nomads Rugby Club is sanctioned by Rugby Ontario and ready for a Safe Return to Play (RTP)!! We will be running rugby-based modules for the first 3 weeks separately at the minis and juniors levels to ensure we are in compliance with Stage 2 and to give everyone some fun and club connections. Each training group will be 1 coach and a maximum of 9 players and there will be COVID19 protocols for registering on practice days; upon arrival to and departure from the pitch and on the field. More details will be forthcoming.
Membership fees for non-contact Junior Rugby from April 2021-April 2022 (see torontonomads.com for dates and times):
$100 (non-contact minis includes Club, Rugby Canada and Rugby Ontario fees)
$115 (non-contact due to COVID 19 Rugby Ontario restrictions for U12-U19 Club, Rugby Canada and Rugby Ontario fees)
As Ontario changes stages and upon approval from Rugby Ontario, contact rugby and competition will return. Membership fees will be updated and shared should we reach that stage in Fall 2021.
If you have friends who are new to rugby and want to try it out OR if cost is a barrier to joining please contact Leanne at juniorsdirector@torontonomads.com to talk about our support options through the No Player Left Behind Fund. Toronto Inner-City Rugby Foundation players are always welcome.
If you and your family would like to fully or partially sponsor another youth to join Toronto Nomads please send funds to the No Player Left Behind Fund https://www.sport4ontario.ca/nnplbf.html. Donations are always welcome.
Keep an eye out for more details to come!