Notice of Special General Meeting and 2020 Annual General Meeting – Saturday February 27, 2021
** Updates as of Feb 23rd, 2021**
Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting (SGM) of members will be held virtually by Zoom on Saturday February 27, 2021 commencing at 6.00PM.
The purpose of the SGM is to consider a motion to approve the adoption of the revised By Laws:
Motion: By special resolution the members of The Toronto Nomads Rugby Football Club of Toronto inc. repeal all previous by laws and ratify and adopt the revised By Laws dated February 27, 2021.
Attached please find:
Annual General Meeting
The SGM will be followed by an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members to be held virtually by Zoom on commencing at 6.30 PM.
Attached please find:
Eligibility to attend the SGM and AGM
Only current members are eligible to attend the SGM and AGM and vote.
Membership registration is open to midnight on Thursday February 25. To encourage participation non-player membership is currently offered for the special AGM/SGM registration fee of $5. To register as a non-player go to https://nomads70th.square.site/
Invitation to attend the SGM and AGM
On Friday February 26 all registered members as at midnight on Thursday February 25 will be invited by email to attend the SGM and AGM. The email will include log on instructions for the Zoom meeting.
Proxy Forms
Registered members who are unable to attend in person may appoint a proxy to attend on their behalf by completing and signing the proxy form issued for the purpose. Complete proxy forms must be emailed to secretary@torontonomads.com by midnight, Thursday February 25.
Attached please find:
Meeting procedures
In view of the challenges a virtual meeting presents, the following procedures will be in place for both meetings:
Admission to meeting
Invited members who log-in to the meeting will be placed in the waiting room. The membership director will check eligibility and where verified admit the member to the meeting. Please ensure your zoom user name matches the name you used to register. If not please contact the membership director by email in advance of the meeting at membership@torontonomads.com to inform them of your alias.
Please join the meeting early
The zoom meeting will be open from 5.30 PM EST. We ask that members log on to the meeting early to allow the membership plenty of time to complete he verification process.
One continuous meeting
Although there are 2 distinct meetings, the SGM and the AGM, the Zoom meeting will be continuous so there is no need to log in twice.
Except for the Chair and presenters, participants’ microphones will be muted throughout the meeting. Members’ questions are welcome:
- in advance of the meeting by email to secretary@torontonomads.com and
- during the meeting by using Zoom’s Q & A function
We ask that, wherever possible, questions are submitted to secretary@torontonomads.com by 11:00 AM on Saturday February 27, as it will help streamline proceedings.
We will endeavor to answer all questions.
One or more scrutineers will be appointed at the beginning of the meeting
Initial voting will by Zoom polling. Polling is anonymous.
Supplementary proxy votes will be made by email to scrutineer@torontonomads.com
The scrutineers will tally the total votes and declare the results.
Election of Officers and Directors
Assuming the proposed revised By Laws are adopted at the SGM, the election of Club President, Secretary and Treasurer up to 9 directors will take place at the AGM. The following is the list of roles and/or portfolios prescribed by the current board:
Role | Responsibilities / Job Description` |
President |
Chair of the Board, preside at the Annual and Special Meetings of the Corporation and at meetings of the Board unless otherwise designated, will be the official spokesperson of the Corporation, will oversee and supervise staff, and other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board
Secretary |
Documentation of all amendments all official documents and ensuring records of the Corporation are properly kept, cause to be recorded the minutes of all meetings, prepare and submit to each meeting of the Members and other meetings a report of all activities since the previous meeting of the Members or other meetings, will give due notice to all Members of the meeting of the members, and other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Treasurer |
File all financial and corporate returns required by the Act and any other provincial or federal legislation in accordance with applicable legislation, keep proper accounting records as required by the Act. Cause to be deposited all monies received by the Corporation in the Corporation’s bank account, supervise the management and the disbursement of funds of the Corporation, provide the Board with an account of financial transactions and the financial position of the Corporation, prepare annual budgets, and other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Rugby Development |
Establish and lead the rugby committee. Oversee all aspects of the club’s rugby programs and resources including teams, players, coaches, technical directors, and referees. Develop and execute strategies to continuously improve program quality, team performance and results, player, coach and referee development and pathways, and other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Men’s Rugby |
Oversee and lead the club’s men’s rugby program. Participate as member of the Rugby Committee. Ensure Nomads’ mens’ program is high quality, resourced and competitive.
Women’s Rugby |
Oversee and lead the club’s women’s rugby program. Participate as member of the Rugby Committee. Ensure Nomads’ womens’ program is high quality, resourced and competitive.
Junior Rugby |
Oversee and lead the club’s junior and minis rugby program. Participate as member of the Rugby Committee. Ensure Nomads’ club’s junior and minis program are high quality, resourced and competitive.
Operations |
Establish and lead the operations committee. Oversee all aspects of the club’s operations and administration including membership and processes
Member Relations |
Establish and lead the members committee. Oversee all aspects of the club’s membership including club culture, social and alumni.
Community Development |
Oversee, develop and coordinate the club’s presence in its communities, including liaising with TIRF, outreach programs, our Anti-Racism and Equity Working Group, and other community organizations.
Alumni |
Oversee all aspects of the club’s alumni relations including alumni communications and events
Marketing |
Establish and lead the marketing committee. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan including a marketing budget. Monitor execution and results, adapt plan.
Nominations for the position of Officers and Directors
A member may nominate an individual for election as a Director by completing the official Nomination Form (attached) and emailing it to secretary@torontonomads.com by 11:00 AM on Saturday February 27.
Attached please find:
Nominations for elections as a Director from the floor will also be permitted. Such nomination will require a nominator and seconder from the members present and will also require the attendance at the meeting and verbal or written acceptance of the nomination by the nominee.
In the event the proposed By Laws are not adopted at the SGM, the AGM will proceed but the election of directors and officers will take place under the auspices of the current By Laws.
** Original Post on Feb 14th, 2021**
Dear Nomads Rugby member,
A Special General Meeting (SGM) of members will be held virtually by Zoom on Saturday February 27, 2021 commencing at 6.00PM.
The purpose of the SGM is to consider a motion to approve the adoption of the revised Club By Laws. Information regarding the By Laws revision will be provided next week.
The SGM will be followed by an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members to be held virtually by Zoom commencing at 6.30 PM.
Only current members are eligible to attend the AGM and SGM and vote.
If you are not a current member but wish to participate and vote you may register as a non-playing member for the special AGM/SGM non-player registration fee of $5. Click here to register.
Member registration will close at midnight on Thursday February 25.
On Friday February 26 all registered members will be invited to the SGM by email. The email will include log on instructions for the Zoom meeting and any other special instructions required due to the meetings being virtual meeting.
Please find attached:
- Notice of SGM
- Notice of AGM
- The 2019 AGM minutes
- Nomads Rugby’s 2020 Annual Report
- Proxy Forms for both the SGM and the AGM (submit by midnight, Thursday February 25)
- The proposed, revised By Laws