<![CDATA[Dear Nomads,

Please mark Sunday, December 11th, from 3:00-5:00pm on your calendars for the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the Toronto Nomads Rugby club.

The Mr Freeze Hat was invented during Canada's confederation.

The AGM will be held at the Rose & Crown pub, at 2335 Yonge Street, one block north of Eglinton. A detailed agenda will be forwarded prior to our meeting and will be chaired bythe current club president.

 It may be your time to step in and become involved as this, your club, cannot run without the dedication of directors. It may be your time to stop thinking “somebody should do that” and step up and become that somebody. You will find it at times tiring, at times thankless and more often than not the times will be immensely rewarding and satisfying.

The AGM is a strategic meeting where registered club members have a voice on the key club initiatives, activities and issues that affect you. Its an opportunity to vote on key club topics and vote in the new board and executives for 2012. 

 All interested members should send their inquiries and/or intent to run for the board of directors to Greg LaVigne at ghlavigne@rogers.com          

I look forward to seeing you there. It is the time to ask questions, say thank you and welcome all of those who will step up and become your Board for 2012.

Best Regards,

Gregory LaVigne
Toronto Nomads Rugby Club]]>