Nomads win Las Vegas sevens high school U19s

Back row (l-r): Marcus Sherry (Fergus), Jake Webster (Lindsay), Joe Ginsgberg (Nomads), Garth Gottfried (Nomads, coach), Adonis Perez (Nomads), Luca Pallattella (Nomads), Tournament Director Jon Hinkin, Graham Dobbs (Nomads), Lloyd Dobson (Nomads, coach). Front row: Matt Sneath (Balmy Beach), Byron Boville (Barrie), Scott Burford (Wanderers), Dan Mathie (Crusaders).

A Toronto Nomads touring side won the 2011 Las Vegas Invitational Under-19 high school championship on Saturday, Feb, 12th. Run in conjunction with the iRB’s USA Sevens tournament, the Nomads’ pool games were played on Friday, Feb. 11th, just outside the University of Nevada’s Sam Boyd Stadium.
Comprised of four Nomads and six other players from other clubs across central Ontario, the tourists were the only Canadian team in the competition. The Nomads beat three American teams in pool play: the Las Vegas Panthers, D.C. united and San Juan Stallions from Orange County, California.
On the road to the final, the Nomads beat the Valley Center Avengers from San Diego in the semis, and then the Arizona Bobcats in the final.
The Nomads were awarded their plaque on the iRB’s training pitch Saturday morning, where the likes of Samoa and England were warming up. Captain Luca Pattella was surrounded by his teammates and coaches as the team was honoured for their achievement.
